Folks, I'm a newbie.  Please Help!

I'm ready to open my list to subscribers except...

Users can not switch from digest mode to non-Digest (single message
mode) without being forwarded *ALL* posts ever made to the list.

This results whether the change is made via the two possible commands:
Set Freedom-L NoDigest
Set Freedom-L Mail

This is the "output" line from listserve:
> Set Freedom-L nodigest
The messages that had accumulated thus far for the FREEDOM-L list
are being sent to you as a digest.

Your subscription options have been successfully updated...

As you can see, it sends ALL posts.  Including files that have been deleted
from the Notebook!  This is getting long and down the road it will be brutal
to download the file.

According to Default settings, this should not occur.  I've triple checked all
the settings in the "Header" and can find nothing that might cause the
problem.  (Header is attached below)

I was thinking of...
Put the header with Notebook=No
Just shut the damn archive off...

Please help!
mailto:[log in to unmask]
* The Wallace Cultural History List
* Owner= [log in to unmask]
* Notebook= Yes,A,Weekly,Private
* Digest=Yes,Same,Daily
* Review= Owner
* Errors-To= Owner
* Subscription= Open,Confirm
* Ack= Yes                 Confidential= No
* Validate= Yes,Confirm,NoPW
* Reply-to= Both,Respect
* Send= Private
* Default-Options= Digest,NoFiles,Repro,NoAck
* Filter=Also,[log in to unmask],[log in to unmask],Freedom-l@*
* This list installed on 96/06/02, running under L-Soft's
* LISTSERV-TCP/IP> version 1.8c for Windows NT.
* Comment lines...

If we can figure this out we are ready to go on auto-pilot :) Yeah, right.
Please help!
mailto:[log in to unmask]