On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Eric Henes wrote:

> I'm not quite sure if I'm posting this message correctly or not so please let
> me know if I'm stepping out of turn or something.  I'm a fairly new List
> Owner for a list on LISTSERV and this following error keeps appearing towards
> the bottom of the ">>> $SIGNUP Standard blurb to new subscribers" from the
> MAILTPL and I have no idea what it means and my attempts to fix it have
> failed.  Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.
> ----------------------------
> >>> Error in line 314 of "CFS-Y MAILTPL": unknown operator - "­=" <<<
>  -> .bb &DEFOPT ­= '' <-
> ----------------------------
> Line 314 in my MAILTPL reads:  .bb &DEFOPT è= ''


When I got your message, there was a warning from Pine at the top that 
your message was not in US-ASCII text and used "unknown-8bit". I would 
guess that your mailer uses a non-standard text format, and that when you 
sent your mailtpl to LISTSERV, it translated it into standard ASCII and 
in the process changed some of the characters in it.

Just an idea.


John Asher                                        
Information Systems Manager, AIESEC United Kingdom
AIESEC LISTSERV Operations Team Leader
International AGIS Support Team Member