We have LISTSERV(TM) version 1.8c for VM with a list with the

    * Send=Editor,Hold
    * Default-Options=Review
    * [log in to unmask],(ME-HOCK)
    * [log in to unmask]

where the list name is ME-HOCK (alias ME-Hockey).  This is not a peered

One of the subscribers is a FirstClass (FC) bulletin board system.  As
you'll see from the example below, when someone creates an article on
FC, FC forwards it to LISTSERV with rather strange headers.  The "From:"
field has the address of the FC redistribution.

The FC redistribution subscription in ME-HOCK LIST is set to REVIEW, yet
postings coming from FC are *not* sent to the editor for approval, but
are posted automatically.  What are we doing wrong?

Here is a sample post ..

>Return-Path: <[log in to unmask]>
>X-Original-Sender: [log in to unmask] (Deron Treadwell)
>Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
>X-Gateway: NASTA Gate 1.18 for FirstClass(R)
>Approved-By:  Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:         Fri, 28 Feb 1997 23:27:48 -0500
>Reply-To:     The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender:       The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
>From:         Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]>
>Organization: University of Maine
>Subject:      Fri. Hockey East Scores
>To:           [log in to unmask]

Thanks for any help anyone might provide.

P.S. "Deron_Treadwell@*" has no ME-HOCK subscription.
P.P.S. Other subscribers with REVIEW get reviewed, as expected.


Wayne T. Smith                         Systems Group -- CAPS
[log in to unmask]                    University of Maine System
Co-owner of the College Hockey lists - Hockey-L/Info-Hockey-L/Hockey3