Netiquette alert:  I just joined - please forgive me if this question
was asked and answered even this morning  :)

As list owner, I thought that I could delete people and have them
receive the farewell file. What I found out was that the farewell file
is only sent in response to a "signoff" request. The only way to have
departing members receive a notice other than the default template is to
manually send it to them; of course, I could also edit the default

So, now I want to remove the farewell file. I couldn't find out how in
the manual, so I put an empty file. I tested it on myself and I received
an empty email. Can someone tell me how to remove the farewell file? Or,
does the listserve owner have to do that?


Drew Krum - Computer Support Coordinator
Chancellor's Office, UCLA            <[log in to unmask]>
2107 Murphy Hall, Box 951405          voice: (310) 825-5693
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1405              fax: (310) 206-6030

Across the copper, through the hub, out the router, over the
    frame, off the bridge, into the fiber...nothing but 'net.