
I am currently running a list for fathers and wanted to start one for
mothers. My Father's list is run through AOL, but they have now changed their
requirements for hosting lists and will not do it unless you try to have it
hosted elsewhere and are rejected.

Anyway, I am desperate because my hubby just graduated in December and is
interviewing for jobs in his career field but hasn't gotten one yet, and I
just had a baby. So we cannot afford to pay someone to host a list for us,
and everywhere I am looking they ask you to pay them.

I was wondering what your requirements are for hosting lists.

Here is what I want to do, please ask me any questions you might have.

I feel the need to start one for mothers too, but of a specific category. I
am a young mother, which is hard enough to deal with in a society where most
women are starting families at the age of 30. And along with that fact, I am
also practicing a "new" parenting style, called attachement parenting. AP
includes things such as breastfeeding, gentle parenting, staying home with
your child, only getting certain vaccines, not circumsizing, alternative
medicine, and so on.

I have found lists that are one or the other, but none that are supportive of
both. For example, there are women on AP lists who have children my age, so
you see it can cause a problem. I have been flamed because of choosing to
marry and start a family so young on that list, and on the list for
youngmothers there is always a constant debate about various parenting
styles. I have a group of women who would like a list for both, a young-Ap
list, for mothers 30 and under who practice AP. That way we don't have to
worry about feeling as though we are talking to our mothers, and can also
openly discuss our AP lifestyles without offending those who are not
parenting the same way that we are.

Thanks in advance!

Amy Fleeman
21 year old mommy to Logan, 11-3-96