>>>>> "Roger" == Roger Fajman <[log in to unmask]> writes:

    Roger> One difference is that qmail apparently always sends a separate
    Roger> copy of a message to each recipient and may open up many
    Roger> connections in parallel to do this.

yes it does this.

    Roger> for faster delivery in common cases, it might bite you if you
    Roger> have a mailing list (as we do) with hundreds or thousands of
    Roger> subscribers on a small number of hosts.

bite whom?  the sending site or the receiving site?

    Roger> Also, I don't think that qmail generates bounces in the Internet
    Roger> DSN format that can be automatically interpreted by LISTSERV.

this is a non-issue.  the largest source of bounces for any well know list
is aol.  e.g.

   From: [log in to unmask]
   Subject: Returned Mail: Undeliverable
   To: [log in to unmask]

   The mail you sent could not be delivered to:
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   552 [log in to unmask] has a full mailbox
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user
   550 [log in to unmask] is not a known user

   The text you sent follows:

qmail does two things listserv admins like -- 1) it has wildcard address so
probing works and 2) it's trivial* to fix gross things like the aol bounce

the same script that rewrites the aol bounce to dsn also converts qmail's
qsbmf format.

*well some formats like aol's are easy to do.  some are a lot harder so we
don't bother.

    [log in to unmask]    |public keys at:
                            |     http://urth.acsu.Buffalo.EDU/~pjg/key.html
    if the above contains opinions they are mine unless marked otherwise.