On Sat, 22 Mar 1997 05:18:46 GMT
Ben Parker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

bparker> Confirm works only with Subscription= Open, Confirm.  With Subscription=
bparker> By_Owner, you have to setup your listname.MAILTPL to send out a
bparker> 'questionnaire' in response to a SUB request.

Thanks for the reply.  I wish that there was an easier way to accomplish
what I want and that is to avoid having bad addresses subscribed to my
list as well as people forging subs to my lists.  I want to continue
approving subscriptions but I don't want to deal with a questionnaire. I
 wonder why there isn't the option of By Owner, Confirm.  I also wonder
why if this isn't a valid option why doesn't the LISTSERV complain when I
 PUT my list header back.

However I did find a workaround.  I changed the Validate header to All,
Confirm which isn't exactly perfect either.  Now when people send in a
subscription request they are asked to confirm their request prior to it
being sent to me for approval which is a good thing.  The undesired
affect is that now I must confirm all commands to my lists which is a
pain.  But it is a trade off I am willing to make in light of the fact
that my lists have been inundated with people forging subscription


Kimberly Long
Houston, Texas
mailto:[log in to unmask]