I need to set up a list consisting of faculty members who are subscribed
by the owner.  The tricky part seems to be setting the list up to allow
certain additional (non-faculty) addresses to post email (of
announcements) to the list, but not to be able to receive email from the
list.  With Validate= Yes, the owner can set the non-faculty addresses to
Nomail, but there is nothing to prevent each of those individuals from
resetting their options to Mail.  Is there a way to set the list up such
that Set commands issued anyone other than the owner get referred to the
Owner?  Or is there a better way of achieving the objective?  Thanks.

Philip Wirtz

(The current list configuration follows:)

*  Review= Private
*  Subscription= By owner
*  Send= Private
*  Notify= Yes
*  Reply-to= List,Respect
*  Files= Yes
*  Confidential= Yes
*  Validate= Yes
*  X-Tags= No
*  Stats= Normal,Private
*  Ack= Yes
*  Notebook= Yes,A,Monthly,Private
*  Errors-To= Owner
*  Digest= Yes,Same,Daily