On 21 Mar 97, George Blake wrote:

> I set my list up so everyone is concealed by default. We this stop the
> spammers from getting my mailers email addresses?

Or you can use * Review= Owner  or * Review= [log in to unmask] and then the
only one who can query your list would be you.  This is what I do with my list.
 I routinely get people who get on and off the same day, they don't get what
they come for.  I have tested from non-subscribed friend's addresses and have
found that the names are safe.  Even if someone pretended to be me and did a
review, the results would go to my address -- not theirs.


          Liz & the Terv Herd
  Somewhere on the beautiful Oregon coast
 Working Labradors, Siberians, Tervuren
            John 4:14
[log in to unmask]