On Mon, 17 Mar 1997 00:37:54 -0500, Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>> > GETPOST MADNESS 42187 43549 44578 44815 44869 44872 44876 44886 44910
>>> File "MADNESS POSTINGS" has been mailed to you under separate cover.
>>> > 44931 44935 44940 44952 44965 44980 44993 45015 45024 45028 45032
>>> Unknown command - "44931". Try HELP.

What happened here is the line with POSING numbers 'wrapped' around to a
new line.  LISTSERV does not accept this.  You have to add a new GETPOST
MADNESS command phrase in front of the 44931 44935 etc.

 Ben Parker ............ (Oak Park IL) .......... [log in to unmask]