At 12:18 PM 3/17/97 EST, Roger Fajman wrote:
>We've gotten some complaints that people are not receiving MIME
>messages properly when they pass through a LISTSERV list.  I think the
>problem may be people subscribed to lists prior to 1.8b, when the
>default was still SHORT headers.  Even with 1.8c, it appears that the
>MIME-Version Content-type and other MIME headers are not preserved with
>SHORT headers, except in the notebooks.  Has anyone found a clever way
>of setting people on all lists with SHORT headers to FULL, without
>disturbing other header settings?

The following is a bit ugly but would work with UNIX.  Note that
versions of awk exist for most other environments, including the PC
world, so you don't really need UNIX.  You can probably even find
a friend who can take the awk script and the file below from step 2,
run awk for you, and mail you back the results.  Hey, I could even
do that :-)

1. Send the command "query listname with short for *@*" to listserv.

2. Store the result (without mail headers) into file "file1".

3. Create the file "tmp.awk" with the following contents:
[log in to unmask]*@/ {
        print "DO THIS BY HAND:",
                "quiet set listname short for", $0
/<.*@.*>/ {
        if (at < left || at > right)
                print "DO THIS BY HAND:",
                "quiet set listname short for", $0
                print "quiet set listname short for",
#Note - it's possible that older awk versions may require a "\"
#to be put on the end of the lines which end with a comma.

4. run the command:  "awk -f tmp.awk file1 > file2".

5. A smarter awk script would make the this step unnecessary; however,
I have two (of 100) users with names like
        "<John> <Doe>" <[log in to unmask]>
and the above matches the first <> it finds, but makes sure there's an "@"
inside.  Thus, edit file2 and the lines that have "DO THIS BY HAND" on
them, well, edit them by hand.

6. mail file2 as the message body to listserv.

Maybe there's a better way, but for a one-time thing the above shouldn't
be too much work.  If there are bitnet addresses (no @ in them?) the
above might not work on those; repeat step 1 and see what (if anything) is
left, I guess.
