On Mon, 17 Mar 1997, Tony Rogers wrote:

> Thanks for the information. Sorry for the delay... I got the opportunity
> to take a vacation.... ;> Concerning the FTP of all the LISTSERV files,
> which files should I get? As for the GET and PUT calls to listserv what
> is the syntax and procedure for doing this? I would like to use
> listserv's internal checking procedures.

For the FTP, you could use "mget listname.*" to get all the relevant files
for each list. You will certainly need listname.list and you may want
others like listname.mailtpl listname.welcome listname.log* etc.

For the GET/PUT method, you send a "GET listname" command to the old
server (leaving out the "(header" option, as you want the subscribers
too). When LISTSERV sends you the list and header, you just forward it to
the new server, with "PUT listname.LIST PW=password" at the top.

If you want to transfer the mail templates, welcome messages and archives,
you will need to send separate commands, eg. "GET listname.MAILTPL" and
then "PUT listname.MAILTPL" for the mail template.

The GET/PUT method is just like using GET and PUT to edit the list or its
associated files, except that you GET from one server, and PUT to another.

And, as I said before, if you are transferring from UNIX (or VMS), you can
edit the sendmail aliases file on the old server to divert posts sent
there to the new server (and commands from the old LISTSERV to the new

If you do the aliases trick, the changeover is almost completely seamless.
In fact, when I did it, none of the list subscribers (over 1000) even
noticed the change!



John Asher
Information Systems Manager, AIESEC United Kingdom
AIESEC LISTSERV Operations Team Leader
International AGIS Support Team Member
TRAVEL NOTICE: I will be away from 22.3.97 to 6.4.97 inclusive