> We are running LISTSERV version 1.8b on a SunOS (4.1.3) system and are
> experiencing a problem I haven't been able to track down.  At times,
> requests to the LISTSERV including postings to various lists get delayed,
> sometimes for hours.  This can be a problem in that at least one of the
> lists is used for the purposes of notifying people of current system
> outages.

You might have a look at your sendmail logs.  We had a similar problem
recently with a beta 1.8c on Solaris 2.4.  The cause seemed to be a
problem in our Internet provider's connection to MAE East that caused a
lot of SMTP connections to time out, making sendmail very slow.
Sendmail became very slow in accepting messages from LISTSERV, as well
as in delivering messages.  Presumably it was a result of the various
sendmail parameters that control how many copies of sendmail can run at
once.  We haven't sorted it all out yet, having decided to upgrade to
the most recent sendmail, which has some new options.  Anyway, the
machine (a Sparc 20 with 320 MB memory) was nearly idle while this was
going on.