how much mail you deliver daily, how busy your listserv machine stays and
how much latency you can tolerate are factors in the answers to your
questions.  our listserv machine was quite heavily loaded until we moved
deliveries to another host.  now the only load is caused by searching.

btw, an out of the box sendmail should be able to deliver ~100k messages a
day on an SS20/712 class machine and ~300k messages a day with some tweaks.

>>>>> "george" == george tsai <[log in to unmask]> writes:

    george> 3. I think the next logic move is to move UNIX Listserv all
    george> together to NT. Does it make sense?

    [log in to unmask]    |public keys at:
                            |     http://urth.acsu.Buffalo.EDU/~pjg/key.html
    if the above contains opinions they are mine unless marked otherwise.