On 27 Mar 97 at 15:00, Katalin Harris wrote:

> * Notebook= Yes,/home/listserv/home
> * Digest= yes,same,daily,14:00

   The Notebook= keyword needs some work.  Assuming
/home/listserv/home exists, you will need to add an interval and an
access level as in:

      * Notebook= Yes,/home/listserv/home,Monthly,Public

   Of course, you can change it to Yearly, Weekly.  Unless you're
using the WWW archive interface under 1.8c you could also code Single
or Seperate for the interval.  As to the access level, if using the
WWW interface it MUST be coded Public, else you can code it Private.

   I hope this helps.

Lawrence B. York
L-Soft International, Inc.
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