Isn't the really really important information in the SMTP logs and that
might not be available via LISTSERV(R) or any MUA?  As I'm sure many are
aware, the RFC821 HELO command can be spoofed.  It is more difficult to
spoof the IP address from which the SMTP conversation is taking place,
though of course that can be gateway.  In reality, you will need the
cooperation of postmasters (those are the individuals who take care of
SMTP-related issues).

Realizing that my next suggestion might not fit your situation, it will
many others: I would counter recommend that L-Soft make SUBSCRIPTION=
OPEN,CONFIRM the default. (A quick manual search of the various manuals did
not reveal IF it was already the default --regardless, it would not "help"
pre-existing lists no doubt.)

mailto:[log in to unmask]      Tel: +1 814 863 1843
31 Shields Bldg; University Park, PA 16802-1202 USA
(Please use my new e-mail address - no M/Frame mail)