At 9:38 PM -0800 4/19/97, Dan Lester wrote:
>At 09:24 PM 4/19/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>I'll reiterate again that auto-delete does NOT delete addresses with
>>temporary errors, such as mailbox full or host down.  It only acts on
>>permanent errors, such as unknown user and unknown host.  I just need to be
>>clear about what triggers it to act.
>I'm all in favor of knowledge and learning, but I guess I'm missing the
>reason why it MATTERS, other than general curiosity.  People who get
>deleted, automatically or otherwise, fall into two groups.  First, those
>who don't know and/or care if they've been deleted.  Second, those who are
>pissed off and ranting.  There doesn't seem to be any middle ground....or
>else listowners never hear from them.  o-)

Well, the reason it matters to me seems to be just the opposite of your
rant -- I want to make sure that my settings cause the bad addresses to be
deleted, rather than having Listserv simply eat the bounces and continue
posting to them, thereby wasting bandwidth.  With settings of
Delay(1),Max(1) I anticipated that any address with one permanent bounce in
a 24-hour period would be deleted.  However, I consistently have monitoring
reports that state on day 1 that 14 people are being monitored, but on day
2 show that only 5 of those people were actually deleted.  I want to know
why all 14 weren't deleted.  Perhaps because ours are broadcast-only lists,
I almost never have to deal with subscribers who are pissed-off because
they've been deleted -- I guess I'm lucky.


   Sherry Beauchamp         Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
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