You can send them only 1 by setting them to index instead of digest --
that's what I do -- three or four days of bounces on index gets them
deleted, but you only get 1 bounce a day from each user with a full mailbox.

At 11:06 AM 4/20/97 -0400, you wrote:
>At 09:14 AM 4/20/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Why is an AOL subscriber's e-mail box any less full when set in DIGEST
>>mode?!  OK, theoreticaly *I* know
>It isn't any less full. In digest mode I am just sending it many (many)
>fewer messages to bounce back. Four instead of 100. And that means fewer
>error messages for me and the system to deal with. It also means that I
>don't have to deal with messages from the subscribers asking whey they
>haven't received their mail, and so on.
>I thought seriously about dumping users who can't maintain their email
>boxes but since my list is for chronically ill people, I decided that I
>couldn't do it.
>Karen Strauss