> >  With settings of
> > Delay(1),Max(1) I anticipated that any address with one permanent bounce in
> > a 24-hour period would be deleted.  However, I consistently have monitoring
> > reports that state on day 1 that 14 people are being monitored, but on day
> > 2 show that only 5 of those people were actually deleted.  I want to know
> > why all 14 weren't deleted.
> Are you certain that the other 9 addresses are subscribers? Sometimes
> people will forward the subscribed address to another address, and it
> is the other address that bounces. If the the bouncing address is not
> subscribed, it can't be deleted.
> Francoise

I think that's true and a bad thing, as it causes the information in
the bounce message that could help track down the subscriber's address
to be lost.  In my opinion, Auto-Delete should not handle bounces for
addresses that are not subscribed.