On Wed, 23 Apr 1997 Adam Lasnik <[log in to unmask]> said:
>Hi :-)
>I run a list which has a large portion of college students on it.  Rather
>than have them (and me) suffer from enormous numbers of summertime /
>graduation-related bounces and possibly unintentional deletions, I'd like
>to set all the students to NOMAIL for the summer,

I think NoMail is a bad idea, unless you have a way of identifying
those who will be returning, for *you* to reinstate in August or
September.  It is just as easy to reset mail for the students yourself
than to chase individuals to put them back on the list.

My solution for our School of Management lists is to set confirmation
for April 22 (for instance) and force all those who wish to continue
to receive mail to reconfirm their subscriptions.  This seems to work
just fine.

Lary Jones          %       School of Management Project Support
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