At 11:47 AM 4/23/97 -0400, Gilles Frydman wrote:
>Is there any way we can setup lists to put only new AOL accounts under review?

I don't know of any way with LISTSERV alone, but if the list owner account
is on a UNIX system running procmail, you could do something like:

1. Configure the list so that all new users are set to REVIEW.
2. Have a recipe in your .procmailrc something like:
        * ^From: LISTSERV@wherever
        * ^Subject: LISTNAME:.*joined the list
        * ! B ?? @aol\.com
        * B ?? <\/[^>]*@[^>]*
        | (echo QUIET SET LISTNAME NOREVIEW FOR $MATCH | mail LISTSERV@wherever)

Untested, but definitely something like that.

What it does when mail arrives to the list owner:
        if the mail if from your LISTSERV
        and if Subject: is a "joined the list" message for the right list
        and if the message body doesn't contain ""
        and if the body contains an "@" between a pair of <> characters
        then send an immediate SET to NOREVIEW for the new signon, which
                is the text between the <> but not including them.

It's not quite what you asked for, since all new users will be briefly
on review until the autoresponder takes them off, but it's all I can
think of.

It can obviously be made more complicated (if I were doing it for
myself, I'd Cc: myself on the mail and add a subject, for example),
and should be made more robust against users who put funny characters
in their "names" since a signon by
        "<*@*> Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
could unset everyone from review in my brief example.
