OK.  SJUVM has a guest OS called SJUMUSIC which hands things off to
LMail for delivery.  About a year back AOL decided to operate without
"A" records which brought out a bug in our SMTP engines.  The maintainer
was a bit preoccupied with her wedding/honeymoon during the last half of
'94, and then went out on sick leave in early '95 where she remains to
this day.  The quick bypass to our SMTP problem was to use DOMAIN
OVERRIDE to route mail to AOL via Maelstrom.  Later I had an independant
consultant come in and evaluate what it would take to upgrade the SMTP
engines and was told what I already knew, that is, anyone stupid enough
to go near that mess was probably dangerously delusional and needed to
be restrained.  Now AOL decides to drop source routing, which I never
heard of until I noticed SJUMUSIC getting bounced by you guys.  So far
I've added a SOURCE_ROUTES = 0 to LOCAL SYSVARS, but that doesn't help,
I assume because of the:


in LOCAL SYSVARS.  Is there some change I can make to the above or
something else I can do to get out of this?


BTW: Brad... I used to work on Multics; bear in mind that some of us
have a lower tolerance than others when it comes to supporters of our
"Thalidomide Baby" claiming the moral high ground.