Robyn Sabourin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I tried the following sequence for multiple commands and it was not
> accepted [...] //JOB PW=<YOUR PASSWORD>

Robyn, I believe that listserv will not use the password you provide
in a job if your header says

* Confirm= yes,confirm,nopw

At least I have the same "problem" as you in that I cannot use a password
for authorization. But I did that deliberately to prevent anyone from
spoofing my address and issuing listserv commands to the server.

If this is the case for you, you would need to remove the nopw from the
confirm line.

  Peter C.S. Adams, co-owner PAGEMAKR <>
                             PHOTOSHP <>
      "If you use any Microsoft product, you need virus protection."