On 13 May 97 at 6:11, F. wrote:

> I am going to bulk add about 250 subscribers to my list.
> I need to set them to conceal and then set them to "NOMAIL" until
> June 1st.  The conceal status will be permanent.
> Is there are way to do a bulk conceal and "NOMAIL" only on those
> addresses?

   The only way to SET multiple CONCEAL and NOMAIL settings is to use
a wildcard such as:

      SET listname NOMAIL FOR *@aol.com

   which would set all listname subscribers under the aol.com domain
to NOMAIL.  However, this is probably not the case with your bulk add
job and subsequently there would be no way that I know of to do this
easily.  It can all be done in a single mail message, of course, but
that probably isn't the answer you were looking for.


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Lawrence B. York
L-Soft International, Inc.