On 20 May 97 at 13:35, Evelyn wrote:

> I get loads of this type of error message.  Can anyone give me any info
> on what to do about them? I can't set all the senders to NOMAIL because
> they are quite active and frequent posters.  Any suggestions?
> "The enclosed message, found in the XXXXT-L mailbox and shown under the
> spool ID 13220  in the  system log,  has been  identified as  a possible
> delivery error notice  for the  following reason:  "X-Report-Type:"  field found  in
> the  mail header."


LISTSERV interprets any message with an "X-Report-Type:" header as an
error report and bounces it to the "Errors-To=" setting for the list for
disposition.  You need to read the message itself to see what exactly
is the problem, e.g., user unknown, can't send message for 2 hours,
whatever, and then take appropriate action.

If "user unkown", then deletion would be appropriate.  If "can't send" delay
message, simply waiting is enough.  Etc.  Just making a summary judgement based
on a piece of mail containing this X-header is not possible.

I hope this helps.


[log in to unmask]
Lawrence B. York
L-Soft International, Inc.