I'm not sure what you need to do at this point.  The CataList actually
shows the correct URL.  It's <after> you click on the icon and a connection
is made to www.listserv.gmd.de that the attempt is made to connect to
lsv1.listserv.  It's certainly odd that it only happens when you
invoke wa.exe with the query string ?LIST=listname (this also happens
with DE-NEWS and I suppose with the other "eye" icons for your server).

Are the systemwide logicals LISTSERV_WWW_ARCHIVE_PATH and
LISTSERV_WWW_ARCHIVE_URL set correctly?  (They must be or the other
functions wouldn't work, but this should be checked.)  And it appears
that the WWW_ARCHIVE_DIR and WWW_ARCHIVE_CGI settings in the site
configuration file are correct...
