I need help gatewaying a list, and everyone said to write
Jim McIntosh, but a formal message from his address at
American U says he is out of it now, and that I
should write [log in to unmask], and nobody answers
queries (or hasn't in a couple of days).  Is anybody there?

Should I write him at the private address listed in the message?

Should I just hope to get a response from American U?

Is there a way to contact Penn State (which I understand
actually runs the gateway?)

And -- anybody here have an answer to the question -- if I
gate the list, does it have to be in the format
bit.listserv.[some name]?

If I put a message on bit.admin that said I wanted to call
it alt.health.[some name], that won't work then, will it?

so do I have to put another message on?  That site appears
to be dead as a doornail.

does anybody know anything about this?  Should I try a
different discussion list?

Mary Schweitzer