I am not sure I understand the  problem as accents in Spanish are few and
decorative, other than  n~ which is rare enough that  you just know where
to  expect  it. In  Swedish,  where  accented  characters are  a  totally
different  letter  (and identical  words  with  a different  accent  mean
something completely different),  some people are happy to  use some form
of typographical encoding (ae/aa/oe or a"/a*/o"), but most simply type in
the correct characters. Since only three letters are impacted (plus a few
decorative  accents  in imported  words),  people  just learn  the  three
corresponding hex codes  and put up. In Spanish I  just do not understand
the problem,  although of course if  the proposal came from  a gringo and
was worded in  an unfortunate way, I  can see how people  might get upset
