On Tue, 26 Aug 1997 21:55:40 -0400 Stephen W. Thompson said:
>QUESTION: Is there a way to get a report of all subscribers who would
>  get messages sent to the super-list?  I've read the manual and
>  searched the archives about super-lists with no leads.

No.  (If there were it would be documented :)

>So LISTD would end up sending duplications to 'person', one to each

Correct, because as far as LISTSERV knows, [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]
are two completely different people.

>I fear the feature I'd hoped for wasn't designed into super-lists.
>Issuing 'query LISTD for *@*' gave me only the person directly
>subscribed to LISTD (me), not all the potential recipients.

Yes, because QUERY was not designed to be aware of super-lists and will
give you only the information for subscribers on the list you've asked

>Might there be a SUPERSCAN command that would return SCAN-like results
>on a super-list?  SUPERQUERY that does QUERYs on super-lists?

No, there is not, and I am not aware of any plan to incorporate such
