Dan Lester <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>At 05:11 PM 8/26/1997 EDT, Maureen Leblanc wrote:
>>Right now, (and for days,) it seems that the gateway has completely
>>stopped sending messages from the HWY61-L list to the newsgroup,
>Have you done the FIRST thing, namely checked your list to see if the
>gateway is still subscribed?
>If you have renewals, you may have forgotten to set it to norenew.  If the
>gateway has been having problems, it may have autodeleted the sub.  Or an
>error could have been made in other ways as well.

Yes Dan, the FIRST thing I did was to send a QUERY to listserv:

QUERY HWY61-L for [log in to unmask]

which showed everything to be in order.

Good point though, and worth mentioning.

>If it is subbed, then contacting American is OK.  If you haven't already,
>check the sub first.

I've contacted [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]
yesterday and last night. Haven't heard anything. Don't see any messages
crossing the gateway from hwy61-l to rec.music.dylan yet. None have gone
across since 8/23/97 that I can see, checking via dejanews.

Just to complicate things a little, apparently Buffalo had some probs
yesterday as well? (A subscriber sent me a message rec'd from Buffalo,
stating that two of his posts had been lost yesterday, and asking him
to resend them.) Anyone else hear this from subscribers?

So anyway ... Bob meets the Pope: "Mphgfgdjk?"
"Sure thing. A priest, a minister and a rabbi rent a boat for a day of
fishing," begins the pope....

will tap dance for working gateway

>Dan Lester
>[log in to unmask]
>In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus, 1534

"...but to live outside the law you must be honest..." bob dylan, 1966