|I want to be able to reject posts from all subscribers who put the word
|"unsubscribe" in the subject. The normal filter takes care of rejecting
them if
|the term is on the first line of the post. I tried a few things using the
|"* filter =" setting and none work. Any ideas?

Can't be done without moderating the list and then writing some script to
do your own keyword searching.

How did these folks get subscribed in the first place? (other than AOL.COM
users ;-)).  Do you have SUBSCRIPTION= OPEN,CONFIRM? Do you SEND=PRIVATE?
Do you have any sort of RENEWAL= processing?  Do you have a Bottom_Banner
template that gives essential instructions?

This message  |  Submissions            -> [log in to unmask]
was sent via  |  Subscribe/unsubscribe  -> [log in to unmask]
the XXXXXX-L  |  List owner (xxxxxxxxx) -> [log in to unmask]
mailing list  |  backup    (xxxxxxxxxx) -> [log in to unmask]
--------------|  send 1-line text INFO XXXXXX-L -> [log in to unmask]

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