>   File creation error delivering to 'rmarkovits'.
>Can someone tell me whether this is a permanent or a temporary bounce?

Could be either. I've gotten file creation errors as a result of
insufficient disk space on the receiving mail server. I've also gotten
it due to insufficient permissions by the receiving daemon on the system
it tried to forward to.

Could be faulty hardware or network access also.

My policy, when it doubt, delete...;-]...but then I'm ruthless that way
cause I run a technical list and my subscribers should know

But seriously, the issue of temporary vs. permanent errors, and when to
quiet del vs. del, is one I've struggled with since my list went over
1,000 subscribers. Until recently I was using Exchange Server as my SMTP
forwarder, and I had to deal with a ton of bounces. Now that I'm using
LSMTP its gone down drastically (no big surprise there I guess). LSMTP
keeps "reports" on questionable addresses and only sends me a summary
every day of who its monitoring. With Auto-del I can forget about them.
The few (and I can honestly say its gone from say 100+ per message down
to 6 or 7 per) that I now have to deal with can be dealt with more
friendly like. I can let them sit for 4 or 5 days and see if they get
sorted out. Its dramatically cut the amount of time I spend on list

R.C. Consulting, Inc. - NT/Internet Security
owner of the NTBugTraq mailing list: http://www.ntbugtraq.com