On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, Drew Jones wrote:

>   Ive recently been having problems with someone that we had to un-sub, and
> Ive tried to set a few options in the list, and I cant figure it out, Ive
> read the manual twice, but Im missing something.  Can someone please tell
> me how to set it so that all subscriptions are confirmed with the 'ok'
> reply, how to prevent someone that's not on the list from posting, and how
> to ban user@domain, and *@domain please, thanks :)

        To set your list so that all subscriptions are confirmed, set
your header options to read Subscription= Open,Confirm (it's the Confirm
part that's crucial).  To prevent non-subscribers from posting, set
your header options to read Send= Private .  And to ban specific domains
or people, use the Filter option.  Put a line in your header that says
Filter= Also,*@domain,user@otherdomain .

        Joan Korenman

*    Joan Korenman                              [log in to unmask]           *
*    University of Maryland, Baltimore County                               *
*    Baltimore, MD 21250                        http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/   *
*                                                                           *
*    The only person to have everything done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe  *