... However, one
|subscriber (only one so far) must have his personal email set to insert
|his own address in the "Reply To:" field. Therefore, when list members
|reply to his posts they end up responding to his private address instead
|of the list. Now, I know that they can just type in the list address (or
|possibly hit "reply to all", depending on their mail system), but most
|of them are pretty puter illiterate--and they're getting confused. Is
|there any way to override the personal "Reply To:" field when the
|message is posted to the list?

Don't throw out the baby with the bath-water ... the ability of a
subscriber to over-ride the list default of REPLY-TO: LIST,RESPECT seems
better to me than LIST,IGNORE e.g., maybe the subscriber is doing a survey
and the survey results send to the inquirer for later summarization back to
the list.

Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree?
