On Mon, 4 Aug 1997 19:05:58 -0400, Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Ben Parker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>The From: field is used to determine if they are the valid user in
>Are you sure? The reason I asked this is one of our subscribers was trying
>to change options with their e-mail set up as:
>Reply-To: <>
>and then a correct From. The listserv was not accepting her change requests.

Well that's an improper Reply-To: address and that may be the problem.
Reply-To: is an optional field anyway, so I doubt LISTSERV would check it
for commands (it does during list posts of course, for possible re-write
depending on List settings).

I don't know of a definitive statement in the manuals, but experiment has
shown me that From: seems to be the constant necessary to work, even when
Sender: and Reply-To: addresses are not the same.
 Ben Parker ............ (Oak Park IL) .......... [log in to unmask]