How do YOU know that they will really and truly REMOVE the userid and not
actually use it as confirmation that their SPAM reached a "live" userid?

At 13:19 8/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
|Visit for name removal information
|You can then add your email addresses (one at a time with no wildcard
|features whatsoever) and they say they will prevent any of their members
|(Agis customers only) from sending you spam.
|So, I would suggest that you list managers make sure you submit your
|list addresses to this stupid service to avoid the messages like the one
|this list received. I think its reprehensible that Agis feel they can
|sherk their responsibility this way, and IEMMC (who state that they are
|in business to provide SPAMmers a way to SPAM) think that entering each
|and every email address you might manage is the way to allow people to
|turn off SPAM.
|If I were to try and be proactive and prevent all of my users from
|receiving SPAM, I might have to enter thousands of names into this
|stupid web interface. Then each one is mailed a validation code which
|has to be entered into a different page again with the corresponding
|email. Can you imagine the effort?