On  7 Aug 97 at 22:46, Adam Pennington wrote:

>  I did ask to be on this list, and I know how to get off, but does anyone
> have any idea how all of these people could get on a list without knowing?
> Yes I know how to do e-mail spoofing, but this many people?
> adam-p

Here's my theory: take a look at


That page at AOL explains how to sign on to a LISTSERV(R) list, using LSTSRV-L
_as an example_. Every single LISTSERV(R) list in AOL's list directory
(http://ifrit.web.aol.com/mld/production/index.html) points to the above page.
How many subscribers does AOL have? If just a small percentage of the AOL
subscribers follow those directions without realizing that it is an _example_,
that's still a lot of people.
