Greetings fellow maintainers,

We're running Listserv 1.8b (yes, I know we're behind) on VM/XA 2.1
(yes, I know...).  Today one of our list owners complained that when
she did an INDEX on her list she saw no logs.  I get the same result,
although I can see they are on the disk and in fact if I try to GET
one of them by name I can!  I tried running INDEX on some of our
other lists and the same thing happened.  I stopped and restarted
Listserv but this did not help.  DB REFRESH didn't help.  I don't
see any clues in the log.

Has anyone else ever had this problem?  Any idea what to try?  INDEX
used to work just fine.

Margaret King ([log in to unmask])
Michigan State University