Hello, if someone could please assist a bit I would really appreciate it.

I'm trying to change the default messages that listserv sends when a person subscribes or does an info command. Here's what I tried:

I did a GET to get the default.mailtpl file. Then I "cut" the whole document in that file and put it into an e-mail message. I made a couple minor text changes. Then at the beginning of it I put "PUT mylistname MAILTPL pw=xxxxxxxx" (of course I put the actual listname and passwords in)

I then send the e-mail to listserv and get a message back saying that the mylistname.mailtpl file has been updated. I can go in with notepad and look at the file and sure enough my changes are there.

But then if I do an INFO or if I have someone subscribe the message sent is the generic one, not the one I changed. I've looked in the documentation and spent a day and a half trying to figure out what I'm missing but I remain perplexed. Am I braindead or is there some little thing I need to know?

Thank you for your help in advance...

Steven Reule
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