On 02:16 PM 9/4/97 EDT, the following was submitted for consideration by C:
>All the notes of caution are legitimate.
>Nonetheless, I feel that the proponents of review by owners are still
>not considering the ramifications of real life and real people.


I wonder if you're assuming that everyone on the lists actually even USE
the review commands the way you are suggesting.  I admit to being a bit of
a list junkie myself, and most people I have communicated with as a list
owner have never questioned what the REVIEW command is for.  The meager act
of Subbing and Unsubbing seems to elude most people, so a REVIEW command
would be in the Advanced List Serving 101 class for them.

In all my years of listing, the only times I have ever -wanted- the review
command is when I needed to find out what address I subbed a list under so
I could get off it, set to nomail, digest, etc.  That's really the only
good reason to have it, IMHO.

Last night in fact I needed it for that very reason.  I tried to get off a
newsletter that was rejecting my unsub attempts on all three of my aliases
and my real address.  The review command told me it was set to
REVIEW=Owner, that there were 300,000 list members (thank God I didn't
actually get the list afterall) and it very politely sent me the header
file instead of the subscriber list.  COMPLETE WITH THE LIST PASSWORD!

Pleaze excuse the shout, but I am sure you are as shocked as I was!  What's
up with that?  I'm a majordumbo list owner (am on this list for the poop on
issues like this, rather than the Listserv techie stuff) and can't imagine
sending my list password to just anyone. Is that a standard feature of


(o)(o)  Paul Rice
   >    Listowner: CircleJoke and Underground Mailling Lists
  \/    mailto:[log in to unmask]
"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards
could produce the Complete Works of Shakespeare; now, thanks
to the Internet, we know this is not true."
                 --Robert Wilensky, University of California