On Thu, 4 Sep 1997 18:31:30 -0600 Dan Lester said:

>Of course my mother taught me to say nice things (which I try to do) and
>the best reason not to lie, or to tell different stories to different
>people, is then you don't have to remember what you said to whom.  If you
>ALWAYS tell the truth, and tell the same stories, then no problem.  Ever.

Let's not make ignominious assumptions here.  You could be Nurse Jane, who
thinks she saw Nurse Fuzzy Wuzzy endanger a patient.  You could describe
the situation to a list of nurses and ask for advice.  Because you posted,
your name is out in front.  Nurse Fuzzy Wuzzy sees your name, recognizes
the situation and immediately figures out you must have seen her.

Have you said anything nasty about anyone?  No.
Have you said anything untrue?  No.

If you all don't want to consider all the aspects of review=owner,
that is your prerogative, of course.  But pleeeeze do not assume
that the person who questions the practice is some kind of anti-social

I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking to a room full of people wearing
black hoods.  And I feel the same way about posting to a list where
everyone is anonymous.
