On Thu, 11 Sep 1997 13:12:36 -0400 Cathleen said:
>At 10:59 AM 9/11/97 +0000, Carlton wrote:
>>To keep her name from showing she needs to alter her own e-mail
>>program where she adds her personal name to the address for example
>>in Pegasus it is under file/general settings
>She's done this.  When she e-mails me, the "From:" header is the way she
>wants it (just the e-mail address), but when she posts messages to the list,
>her name shows up.  She removed herself from the list and tried to
>re-subscribe without a full name.  When the listserver mailed her back to
>ask for a full name, it knew her name and added it to the "To:" field.
>She's thinks she's in the Twilight Zone.
>Is this listserver smarter than we think?

Yes.  She should use the "register" command of listserv to change her name
as far as listserv knows to what she wants to appear on her postings.
