Hi, I've been lurking on this list for awhile and would like to make a
comment about subscribing an English class to this list.

I think Cindy Heavilin's idea that the instructor should start his own
list is an excellent idea.  Most universities have list support.  I have
a list for the class that I teach and my university provides support.  I
think that having a group of students enroll on this list, considering
how high volume it is, would be a burdon to the list members and
overwhelming to the students.

Many lists have archives.  Perhaps the bad subjects list which is an
Critical Theory/Pop Culture list would be a good one for them to look
through the archives of. Warning--list members can be cruel to klewless
newbies.  Its WWW address is http://eng.hss.cmu.edu/bs

Good luck!

Phyllis Flott
University of North Texas