C wrote:
> What is the purpose of setting "review" to owners?
> Not knowing who else is on the list could cause some extremely
> embarrassing situations!
>                         Trista

Well, if just anybody can review the members on your list, then
it makes life that much easier for spammers.

Making the list REVIEW=private is one step removed and will avoid
spammers who are lazy or are just using macros (I think) -- but
if there are ill-meaning people in your "world", or people who
have commercial intents, then all they have to do is sign up,
get the list, and sign off.

You can't always tell who is on your list by a list of members,
you know.  These days ISP's are cheap, and it's easy to have
several mailing addresses.

If your membership is nervous about having certain people on there,
you might want to create a membership committee that does have
review capabilities, thus limiting the "review" function to a few
trusted people.

In the end, there is no way to totally protect your membership.  But
I deal with a discussion list for people who are very ill, and I
do whatever I can to keep them from being harassed.  And it pretty
much works, I think.

Mary Schweitzer