Hi y'all!

I've been thinking of changing the mail configuration of our campus
machines such that our listserv box will send mail on to our main mail
server for delivery.

The only thing I am really concerned about is whether there will be
problems with the "hop count". We have ours set to thirty, but there are
still a lot of servers which won't accept mail after it's been through
seventeen systems or more before reaching the destination [this is to
prevent mailing loops].

So, my main question would be "does anyone know a nice way with sendmail
to have it deliver to host x, y, and z; and everything else should be sent
to a mail hub for delivery". That way I could tell the mail system to
deliver mail directly to the LISTSERV backbone hosts, and give the rest of
the stuff to the powerhouse mail hub.

And the subsidiary question: Anyone know if hop count is much of a problem
anymore, especially as the BITNET portion of the LISTSERV backbone is not
much in use? I haven't seen questions or complaints about it in a very
long time. Would I be likely to push mail systems over the edge if I just
forwarded everything to the main hub?

                        Yours in LISTSERVness,
                                --Jeff B.