Hi. Sorry for the interruption. I have RTFM but am having
trouble finding a solution.

I want to set a 20-member mailing list to the REPRO
subscriber option, so that all list users will be copied their own
messages that they post. In the list header I have set
default-options to REPRO, yet (using the QUERY command) I
see that many users are still set to NOREPRO. (Please see
appended list header.)

1. Does the act of setting, in the list header, default-options to
REPRO serve to set *all* list members to REPRO?
(Apparently not.)

2. How may one set all list members to REPRO in one fell

I see that the List Owners' Manual Section 5.2 tells us
"How to set personal subscription options for subscribers," but
there is no section that covers the setting of options for an
entire list at once.

I use LISTSERV 1.8b for UNIX (BSDI 3.0). My header:

* Auto-Delete= Yes,Full-Auto
* Subscription= Open
* Ack= Yes
* Confidential= No
* Notify=No
* Files= Yes
* Mail-Via= Distribute
* Validate= No
* Reply-to= List,Respect
* Review= Public
* Send= Public
* Stats= Normal, Private
* X-Tags= Yes
* Default-Options= Repro
* Errors-To= [log in to unmask]

Many thanks for any advice.

Eric Bourland
List Owner
Academy for Educational Development