I wrote:

>> Personally, I think there should be some sort of internet standard for
>> e-mail which dictates that all lines of text must have a carriage return
>> and line feed at the end of every 80 characters.  Anyway, I'm now beyond
>> the scope of this list, so I guess I should get off my soapbox here...

and Pauline Marshall responded

>This will not work for some.  My screen, when I run X-Windows, is larger
>(readable lines are longer, but print is smaller), and cutting/wrapping
>lines at 80 columns, would just look stupid to say the least.  Your mail
>program, should, wrap your incoming messages, at the length that your
>screen is.  If you screen is 80 columns, it should wrap there, but if it
>is 132 columns, then it should wrap there.  Just my $0.02.

If there were an internet standard though, the lines would be broken up
properly so I could read them.  As for your screen being 132 characters
with X-Windows and your not wishing to cut and wrap it, I'm actually
amazed this message of yours came through properly.  I didn't have to
modify it inthe least to make it readsable, but many times, when I recieve
messages from Netscape's Mozilla, I do have this problem.  Somehow, your
mail program is smart enough to chop it to 80 columns before it sends it
