On Tue, 28 Oct 1997, Sherry Beauchamp wrote:

> But this wasn't a messed-up mail program, it was a clueless subscriber.
> She subscribed (successfully) with an invalid email address, which began
> bouncing immediately.

Exactly, it was a messed up mailer, that was configured improperly.
example:  right: [log in to unmask]   wrong: [log in to unmask]  If their mail
is going out as uesr when the confirmation tries to return, it will bounce
(no user uesr here etc).

Possible dumb question here, but doesn't listserv pick up the proper
address (from the from/sender line), and if so, you can't subscribe with
an impropper address can you?  I haven't been able to, and trust me, I
have tried.

> The same thing can happen if a subscriber transposes
> two characters when typing their email address, or a host of other ways.

But if this was done on the mail program, the error would happen as above,
but if it was in the subscribe message, it wouldn't pick it up if I
understand it right.

> It's not the mail program's fault.

No, not the program per se, but if the program has a messed address, then
it will try to masqurade as a wrong user, and thus the mailer is sending
out the wrong address.  You are correct in saying tho, that it is a
clueless subscriber, that misconfigured it in the first place.

Does this make sense?

| Pauline M. Marshall  AKA MightyMouse  http://www.logic.net/~mmouse/ |
| I-barc Listowner     MightyMOO.common.net 8888     [log in to unmask] |
| Freddy Rudrucker: SF S+Bd G 3.2 Y L+ W+ C+++ I++(+) T+++ A- E++ H S |
| V+ F- Q- P++ B- PA++ PL++   Buddy: Beagle/X B/W/T O c- 2.6 Y++ L W+ |
|       Ef+ w+ T++ A- e+++ d+ B+ F IQ C++ t- H? a? s- BH WOOF--       |