On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Peter Rauch wrote:

> Can I persuade you to define the list as:
> * Review= Private
> * Default-Options= Conceal

        My reasons for moving my list from review= public to
review= private to review= owners parallel Judith's, and I'm afraid that
the above alternative seems to me much less desirable.  For one thing,
I like being able to send a review wmst-l by (country, name) command
every week or so and have a pretty complete listing of all
subscribers, arranged first by country and then by name.  If most of
the list were set to CONCEAL, most of the subscribers would no longer
appear on my listing, nor would the statistics (overall number of
subscribers, and number by country) be at all reliable.  So I plan to
keep my list set for review= owners.

        Joan Korenman

*    Joan Korenman                              [log in to unmask]           *
*    University of Maryland, Baltimore County                               *
*    Baltimore, MD 21250                        http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/   *
*                                                                           *
*    The only person to have everything done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe  *