Gabriel and Etidorpha Orgrease kindly petition your attention in making a
common space for them, and their cyber-friends, so that they may live free
beyond the oppression of censorship, prudery and single-vision as they
struggle to form an organization dedicated to Single Occupancy Structures
(ie. historic outhouses, biffies, jakes etc.) or Save Our Shitters, whichever
matches your particular taste.

They also need a place where trade/craftspeople in the historic preservation
industry can talk with each other freely without being flamed by the police
of high-culture.

They also need a place where the serious minded person can get practical
answers, based on real experience (as opposed to book reading) on how to fix
old things on their old buildings.

They also need a place where they can share strategy on preservation of the
built environment, which is an important ecology within the global

They also need a place where they can laugh and run amuck, talk about loose
parrots in the attic, using Sea of Galilee water in mortar mixes, preserving
Farmall tractors, and the prospects of measuring the face on Mars through
remote viewing.

I am confident in the desire to build a list that will serve a diverse
community, and that I am representing a small group of creative individuals
in the historic preservation industry who have a need to subscribe and
promote a list where the likes of Gab and Eti may flourish.

I am vice-president of a small contracting firm specializing in historic
preservation of buildings, based in Brooklyn, NY. I have been in construction
for more than 25 years. My trade is as a stonemason, specialist in
fireplaces. My current duties are management, estimating and marketing. I am
involved in several public service projects. I am a board member of The
Association for Preservation Technology International, chair of the APTI
Internet Subcommittee of the APTI Publications Committee, a founder of the
Preservation Industry Network, and a member of the Preservation Trades

Examples, including solicitations from others desiring this list, available
on request.

Please return correspondence to [log in to unmask]

I thank you for your consideration.

]<en Follett, VP
Apple Restoration & Waterproofing, Inc.
132 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 599-5055 FAX 718 599-3588